Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Half-year financial report 2013

- Regulated press release

Highlights first half-year 2013

  • Successful public capital increase of € 60.7 million
  • Increase of rental income by 17% to € 20.8 million (2012: € 17.8 million)
  • Increase of operating result by 35% to € 17.5 million (2012: € 13 million)
  • Rise of net result by € 4.2 million or 48% amounting to € 13 million (dividend Retail Estates of € 1.7 million was recognized in Q3 opposed to the situation in 2012 (Q2: € 1.1 million) and is not included in the net result of the first half-year of 2013)

Click below for the Half-year financial report 2013