Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Half-year financial report 2015

- Regulated press release

Highlights first half-year 2015

  • Increase of the occupancy rate to 99.04% per end of June 2015 in comparison with 96.32% end-2014 following successful lettings
  • 100% letting of the building Monnet before the end of its renovation and the office project under construction Royal 20 progresses according to plan
  • Comparable net result compared to the same period last year of € 13.4 million end of June 2015 (June 2014: € 13.5 million), or per share of € 2.73 end of June 2014 to € 2.72 end of June 2015
  • Limited decrease of the net current result of € 12.50 million end of June 2014 to € 11.10 million end of June 2015, or from € 2.52 per share end of June 2014 to € 2.23 per share end of June 2015

Click below for the Half-year financial report 2015.

