Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: Half-year financial report 2019

- Regulated press release

Highlights first half-year 2019

For the first half-year of the financial year 2019 we record the following key data:

  • The EPRA earnings increase from € 14.00 million end 1H 2018 to € 22.1 million (however including the dividend (€ 5.1 million) from the participation in BE-REIT Retail Estates received earlier in the course of this financial year unlike previous years when this was in July)
  • Rise (+29%) of the net result from € 19.7 million end 1H 2018 to € 25.3million or € 4.27 per share
  • The rental income received increases by 16% from € 27.9 million end 1H 2018 to € 32.4 million following the full contribution of the acquisitions from end 2018 and a positive like-for-like rental growth
  • The funding cost again decreases considerably from 2.59% on 31/12/2018 to 2.34%
  • The current developments in Belgium and Luxembourg progress as scheduled
