Leasinvest Real Estate SCA: year results financial year 2012

- Regulated press release

  • Realization of the further strategic reorientation of the portfolio to a bigger retail part and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg;
  • Growth of the real estate portfolio by 22.5% to 617.8 million euro;
  • Increase of the occupancy rate from 92.57% end-2011 to 94.9% end-2012;
  • Rise of net and net current result by respectively 63% and 11%;
  • Increase of the dividend to 4.40 euro gross per share (+6%).

Click below for the full text of the press release.

For more information, contact:

Leasinvest Real Estate

Jean-Louis Appelmans


T: +32 3 238 98 77

E: jeanlouis.appelmans@leasinvest.be